This is D Man's bento. The top layer has a salad with diakon and bell peppers in it and topped with three egg slices. He also has two small sausages with a koala pick in one, a small cup with edamame and a tree pick. In the Buzz Lightyear container are M&M's and the other one has sesame salad dressing. The bottom layer only has rice and in the lid part is furikake and nori. All of this is in a 100 yen blue bento. Added is a frozen jell cup with milk.

Here is a close up of the tree made with edamame.

I went shopping over the weekend in Hachanohe and at Toys R Us I found this mold to make eggs. I used 5 eggs separated to make 4 shapes. The white goes in first with a mold place inside it to make the shape and that is boiled. Next the yolk is added into the middle and then it is all cooked again. Next time I will fill the white part up more and oil it. I had a hard time getting the eggs out after cooking them.The shape not shone is a diamond.
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